Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miles gets Decorated

This weekend we dedicated Miles at church. It meant so much to us to have our friend and pastor, Jeff, pray for us and for Miles as we trust God with him. We can't believe that God has entrusted us with such an incredible little person. We can't wait to see how God works in his life.
We tried to prep Isaac and Delia for the event, explaining that we would be up front at church and we wanted them to come with us and try to stand somewhat still and explained why we wanted to do this with Miles. Delia's response? "Yeah! Miles is getting decorated!" and Isaac called it getting "decamacated."

After church I tried to get a picture of the three of them looking so nice... ha, ha, nice try Mommy. My camera ran out of batteries after five shots. Here's the result. These guys crack me up!!

Be Mine

Valentine's Day for a five year old means hard work- filling out valentines for all of his classmates. The past couple of years I've had to push Isaac to sign his name on cards for his friends, but this year Isaac was excited to work on his gifts. I was so impressed with his improving penmanship and the fact he sat for over 30 minutes to finish. What a big kid!