Saturday, March 26, 2011

Free Toys

We got a package in the mail today... hooray for free toys! Can you beat a big cardboard box and lots of bubble wrap?

...And Send it Soaring

Spring has arrived... kind of. Okay it's snowing outside our window and it's almost April, but when it's semi-nice been trying to get outside. Here are Isaac and Delia trying kite flying for the first time. They loved it- I think I've found an activity for our windy afternoons here!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

When Irish Eyes Are Smilin'

Hope you are having a happy Saint Patrick's Day- enjoy a pint and contemplate the man the day is named after (find out more here.) My kids' great, great grandmother was Irish, can you tell?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Miles at Six Months

Half a year... what?! Our little boy is getting BIG! Looks like he might end up with grey eyes- I love it.