Isaac dyed eggs today for Easter...
Me: Isaac, do you know what's happening this weekend?
Isaac: Yeah.
Me: What?
I: I don't know.
Me: Isaac, it's Easter.
I: Yeah!
Me: Do you remember why we celebrate Easter? It's very special.
I: The Easter Bunny!
Me: And what else?
I: And chocolate Easter Bunny eggs treats.
Me: Yeah, Easter is a little bit about treats and the Easter Bunny, but mostly what is it about?
I: Treats!
Me: No, Bud, Jesus. Remember?
I: Yeah! Jesus!
Me: What did Jesus do on Easter?
I: He takes our Easter Bunny eggs and throws them down on the floor!
Me: What?! Where did you hear that? No, what did Jesus do?
I: He loves me when I'm good, and he loves me when I'm bad.
Matt: Yeah, Bud, because of what happens on Easter.
I: Yup. And chocolate bunny egg treats.
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