The kids on their first days of school this year...
Delia started kindergarten and joined Isaac at our elementary school. We are happy that she has Ms. O (Isaac's teacher in K)- she is awesome. It sounds like she is making lots of friends, loves all her "specials" (ART!, p.e., and music), and comes home every day singing songs Ms. O has taught her.
Isaac started 2nd grade with Mrs. A, and it sounds like it is going well. Mostly he just tells me about playing soccer with his friends at recess. He hasn't lost his hat or sweatshirt yet, so I think 2nd grade is going great!
Miles started preschool this week. He is going two mornings a week, and we love being at NH for the sixth(!) year. He was a bit hesitant for me to leave him on Tuesday, but this morning after walking in he tells me, "Mommy, you need to leave now." And gave me a little push toward the door. I'm trying to be grateful that all my kids are so independent and LOVE going to school!
Recently Miles learned some of the real lyrics to Gangnam Style. Instead of singing "Heeeeey, whatcha doin'?" he now sings "Heeeeeey, sexy baby!" Yikes! Thankfully he hasn't been singing it at school. I'm chalking this up to preschool success!
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