Delia turned two a couple of weeks ago... I can't believe our baby is not a baby anymore! We had a fun family birthday party with presents and cake and party hats as requested by the birthday girl. Isaac was a very helpful big brother and helped her open presents and stick fingers in her cake. She is LOVING playing with all her new fun things- art supplies, books, princess dress-up clothes and a castle.
Here she is in her new dress-up clothes...

Blowing out candles with Grandpa...

Using her new art supplies...

We are loving seeing her little personality develop as she grows. She is so much like Isaac and Matt- happy, outgoing, and energetic. She is turning out to be fairly stubborn, so maybe she is a little like her mommy after all. She loves kitty cats, her bunnies Lola & Old Lola, sports you play with a BALL, singing and dancing, playing with Isaac, ignoring us, reading, and snuggling. She is still not talking much, although she does manage to get her point across very well. We love her smiles, tackle hugs, and her funny dances.
Happy Birthday Little One! You are our sweet, Funny Bunny!
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